Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Typical Breakfast

My Typical Breakfast

("models diet" so it isn't always health)

1. Egg whites from the carton mixed with hot sauce while cooking. 
2. Two packages of Oatmeal with water, one minuet in the microwave.
3. One cup of coffee.

Breakfast Tips:
-If you have been craving something (chocolate, ice cream, ext.) this is the time to have it because this gives you the whole day to burn it off. 
-If you do choose to cheat during this meal don't let it set a precedence for the rest of your day. Get the craving you desire out of the way and get back on your diet!
-If you absolutely won't eat breakfast at least start with drinking a glass of very cold water to start your metabolism. 
-But you should seriously eat breakfast!
-Hot sauce is great, 0 carbs, 0 sugars, 0 fat, and most importantly it boosts your metabolism. 
-If your still hungry try eating some chicken and drinking more water. 

Photos of me by Bryan Whitely